GPO's Frequently Asked Questions


How do I sign up for mobile banking?

To sign up for mobile banking, you must download the app from either the iTunes App Store or Google Play.

How do I change my security questions?

Security questions can only be changed by the member through online account access If you have any questions, contact any branch and a representative can walk you through the steps.

What is the phone number for questions regarding disability insurance?

To contact a member service representative regarding your disability insurance, call (315) 724-1654. You may also contact your nearest branch location.

How do I change my address?

You can visit one of our branches to complete a Change of Address form. You may also contact our Member Service Center. A form will be emailed to you via our electronic signature service.

Do you offer business accounts?

Yes, we offer business accounts to members. We also offer Member Business Loans. You may stop into any branch to discuss becoming a business member.

What is a clear title?

A title to a property that is free of liens and legal questions concerning ownership.

How do I change my name on my account?

To change your name, you must complete a name change form. You must also provide a copy of your new Social Security card or letter from the Social Security Administration stating that the name change has been completed and a card is on its way. If you have any questions, contact us at (315) 724-1654.

Is my money safe?

As a result of recent events in the banking and mortgage industries, members may be wondering if their funds are safe at GPO Federal Credit Union. The simple answer is yes.

GPO is proud to report a level of financial reserves that is more than 50% greater than what our regulator requires for us to be considered well-capitalized. This is important since deposit insurance only comes into effect after an institution's reserves are used. Our delinquencies and loan losses remain well below the industry norms. We are also earning levels of profitability that far exceed our peer average. GPO does not offer exotic mortgage products (such as stated income, no documentation, etc.) or investments that have caused the mortgage situation that is occurring across the country. We underwrite all loans to prudent underwriting standards. And, because we are member-owned, our financial statements are readily available to the public.

Your shares at GPO are insured to at least $250,000 (as of October 2008) by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), an arm of our regulator, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). In addition to this, IRA shares are insured up to $250,000. If you have questions concerning this, please call GPO at (315) 724-1654, or stop into your nearest branch.

Do you have an app for iPhone or Android?

Yes, we have a mobile banking application for both iPhone and Android. You can visit the iTunes App Store or Google Play to download.

I received an email/text message from GPO asking for information. Is it legitimate? What should I do?

GPO Federal Credit Union takes the security of every single member’s information extremely seriously, but unfortunately scam attempts are commonplace, no matter how protective we are as a company. Never click on links or call numbers that you do not recognize. GPO will not call you to request any information. GPO strongly encourages you to call the credit union directly if ever you have any concerns about security surrounding your accounts at (315) 724-1654.



Identity Protection FAQ


If I received a message from GPO, should I be concerned that GPO’s computer system has been breached?

No! Computers used in scams are typically located in countries other than the United States. Scammers do not have access to GPO member names or information. They randomly send out mass e-mails in hopes that some of the recipients will respond and provide them with the information they need to steal that person’s identity and money.

If the message didn’t come from GPO, how did they get my info?

The messages using GPO’s name were distributed completely at random. In this situation, the initial contact could have been made to thousands of people (members and non-members alike). Out of those thousands of people, a handful may actually be a GPO member. Out of that handful, they hope one or two might fall for their scam.

Another way that fraudsters gather their contact information is by scanning the Internet for places that you may have left your address, they can even use spyware to get into your computer’s address book. Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove your e-mail address from the fraudsters mailing list.

I received a message, but I replied and told them to stop contacting me.

If you respond to a fraudulent e-mail, all you have done is let them know that your e-mail address is live. Lists of live e-mail addresses receive a higher price for people who sell these lists. When you verify that you have a live e-mail address, you will begin to receive more fraudulent and spam e-mail. It is best to never respond to a message from a sender that you don’t know. Simply delete it.

Does GPO send e-mails?

Yes, occasionally GPO does send e-mails to members who have opted in to our e-mail list. These e-mails are generally promotional in nature, but may also contain alerts (such as security alerts). GPO will never send e-mails that contain direct links to pages that request your personal information. In addition, we will never ask you for your confidential information, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details via e-mail, phone or text message. As your financial institution, we have the necessary information on file to assist you with your accounts.

Always remember that GPO will never solicit account information via e-mail, phone or text message.

If you receive a message, you should never respond with your account information. If you feel that you received a fraudulent message using GPO’s name, please forward it to us at [email protected].

Please note that if you feel you received a fraudulent message, we appreciate any and all notifications from members. But in combating the scam attempt, we may not have the time to respond individually to each message that is forwarded to us.


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