
  • Lock the device with a password or personal identification number (PIN).
  • Keep your password information safe and use strong passwords for all apps on your mobile device.

System Settings, Downloads and Software

  • Only download and install apps from trusted sources. Ensure you shop at reputable app stores. Android users, in particular, should be cautious installing apps from unknown sources. More importantly, read the app's privacy policy. Share only what you are comfortable sharing.
  • Install a mobile security app and update security patches.
  • Keep your system updated by installing updates. These often include security upgrades. So, when prompted, update your system, keeping you more secure and your device functional.
  • Log out of banking and shopping sites. It is a best practice to manually log out instead of closing the browser. Also, you should bank or shop with a mobile device on a secure Wi-Fi connection, not a public connection.
  • Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth services when not in use. Cybercriminals look for unsecured devices using those signals.
  • Back up your data. If your device is lost or damaged, you could lose it all. You can either back up the data to a hard drive or the cloud. Apple iTunes has options for iOS-powered devices, while some have utilities built in.
  • Do not hack (jail-break) your device. Hacking a device to free it from provider limitation can leave the device more vulnerable.
  • Avoid sending personal information by text or email. Instead of replying with any personal information, respond offline by contacting the business to confirm its authenticity.

Mobile Device Security

  • Do not leave your device unattended in public places.
  • Use the lock function on your device and frequently change the password.
  • Do not store financial information on your mobile device.
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