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“GPO has become a trusted pillar in the generations of our family. I remember opening an account, with the help of my mom, upon receiving my first scholarship to college 15 years ago. I recently opened an account for my daughter a few months after she was born so she can start building a financial foundation to help fund her future dreams and opportunities.” - Diedre M., Utica


“I went to GPO to take out a loan to have a custom engagement ring made for my now current wife. They made things super easy and she said yes!! Since then, her little sister has come to live with us and we now have custody of her. GPO helped make all this possible with their trust in me to pay them back and I am forever grateful. I also have my life insurance through them, so they continue to enhance my life and protect my family!” - Mason D., Barneveld


“GPO has helped me keep track of my elderly father's account, transfer money when he needs me to and to pay his bills, but also allows me to transfer funds for safe keeping when he was in the hospital last year. GPO also allows me to teach my son how to keep track of his own accounts and hopefully to teach him better spending habits.” - Susan M., Oneida

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