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GPO's Medicare 101 Ice Cream Social: A Sweet Success!


GPO's Medicare 101 Ice Cream Social: A Sweet Success!

On Wednesday, August 21st, GPO hosted a delightful event that combined education with a touch of sweetness – the Medicare 101 Ice Cream Social! This event was a great opportunity for community members to be a part of our partnership with Adirondack Financial Services while coming together to enjoy some delicious ice cream, and learn about Medicare in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

A Scoop of Knowledge

The primary aim of this event was to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of Medicare. Michael Kline from AFS presented and explained the different parts of Medicare, eligibility requirements, enrollment periods, and the various plans available. This informative sessions was designed to help attendees make informed decisions about their healthcare coverage.

Community Engagement

The ice cream social aspect of the event added a fun and engaging twist. Attendees had the chance to sample ice cream from Mr. Soft Serve, mingle with fellow community members, and ask questions in an informal setting. This approach not only made the learning process enjoyable but also fostered a sense of community and support among participants.

A Sweet Takeaway

The Medicare 101 Ice Cream Social was a resounding success, with many attendees expressing their gratitude for the valuable information and the pleasant experience. GPO’s commitment to community education and engagement was evident throughout the event, making it a memorable day for all that attended. 

Stay tuned for more events like this from GPO, where we strive to blend education and enjoyment for the benefit of our community.