At GPO, we recognize that being a part of the communities we serve means more than just meeting the financial needs of members. To us, it means embracing what we all hold dear – family; health and well-being; financial fitness; and an overall good quality of life.

GPO’s Giving-Back Program seeks to enhance life in our community by focusing our efforts to support these four values through sponsorships, donations and community involvement.

GPO Community Values

Annually, GPO pledges to support 501(3)(c) organizations that reflect the four values of our commitment.

  • Benefit the collective lives of families in the communities we serve. From the youngest to the oldest, we look to support organizations that positively contribute to social and emotional strength of families; or
  • Contribute to the health and well-being of our community. Organizations must demonstrate a commitment through programming and events that directly benefit area residents; or
  • Provide programming or tools to better the financial fitness of our community at large. Because GPO is a financial cooperative committed to helping members become financially-secure, we believe that it is our responsibility to support and promote organizations that share this ideal; or
  • Enhance the quality of life in our communities. From supporting the arts to social programming to veterans’ concerns to helping the less fortunate, GPO looks to make life better by helping organizations deliver on commitments to improve the quality of life of fellow residents.

If your organization is interested in our sponsorship or donation for an event, please see our Sponsorships page for more information.

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